When using our service - We expect you to use it responsibly. we reserve the right to terminate your links and/or account should we find you're doing anything illegal, offensive or harrassing. 

Illegal we use the UK law as a measurment, But we expect care to be taken IF you're using the service to share access to adult content and you take full responsibility to ensure it is not shared to someone that is not age appropriate for such content!

If we recieve a lot of reports - we may suspend your account whilst we review it (Usually within 24 hours) 


Payment, we suspend accounts that aren't paid and the content is deleted 7 days afterwards - We take no responsibility in you not accessing needed data in a timely manner, however if you ask we may delay it at our discretion! 

Advertising can and will be shared on free accounts, We may do a deal with premium features for those will large followings - Please get in touch if you'd like to discuss!